Curiculum vitae

2015, Hyvinkää, Finland, “MATKA – TAJU 2015”, 12.06-30.08.2015 at Hyvinkään Art Museum

2015, Helsinki, “FAIL / stage for abandoned art”, 09.05.2015-19.05.2015, curator and participant

2015, Helsinki, Project Room, MFA Degree Show exhibition, 06.05.2015 – 30.05.2015

2015, Jurmala, Latvia, “Genesis” at Jurmala City Museum, 06.03.2015 – 15.03.2015

2014, Helsinki, Finland, “TAKE ME OUT” at Galleria Huuto, Jatkasaari 1, 4-21 of Dec. – curator and participant

2014., European Professional Doll Art Festival in the Latvian Railway History Museum from 4.09 to 07.09.2014

2014, Hamburg “Die Macht” in Galerie Speckstrasse at Gängeviertel from 28th to 7th of July

2014, “Coalescence” at Talsi Regional Museum, Latvia. June 23 – July 20

2014, “Siltojen Valissa” at Jämsä city, Finland 07.06.-31.08.2014

2014,  Berlin, Germany “By Chance” 08.-29.03.2014

 2013, Tartu, Estonia, “Escape Landscape” at Tartu Art House 

2013, Tartu, Estonia, “Day and Night” at gallery Noorus

2013, Hamburg, Germany, “DAS SIND WIR” curated by Octopus art project

2013, Riga, “Autumn. Collection of 2012-2013”

2012, Riga, „KARŠ KRIEG WAR KARAS GUERRA”  Curated by Octopus art project: 

2012, Gulbene, „Time matter”

2012, Riga, Brederlo von Sengbusch Art prize exhibition

2012, Rīga, „Art hunting” in Kalnciems square

2012, Antwerp, Belgium, „It’s all part of the process”

2011, Gulbene, „To return where you have never been”

2010, Riga, “List 14.”

2010, Riga, “Autumn, Recycle, Process”

2010, Riga, casted iron art exhibition ” 1330′ “

2010, Ikšķile, open-air art exhibition within 2. Environmental Art Festival

2010, Riga, “The Days of Art Academy”

2010, Riga, “The Days of Art 2010” exhibition “Switch”

2010, Riga, Brederlo von Sengbush Art Prize exhibition

2009, Riga, “Autumn 2009 – Happy art’s museum”

2009, Riga, “Cultureblock”

2008, Riga, “White” in the House of Blackheads

2008, Riga, “Art days in market 2008”

2008, Riga, “Autumn 2008 – I AM A GEORGIAN”