Epic MaraEpiskā Māra

Posted on: June 10th, 2012 by admin No Comments


“Epic Mara” 2011, 6m high snow sculpture in Sigulda.  Leading artist – Gundega Evelone, performed by G.Evelone, M.Rozenfelds, E.Ošs, A.Landaus, R.Ābeltiņš.  I was working mainly with the backside of the sculpture.


“Episkā Māra” 2011.g., 6m augsta sniega skulptūra, atradās Siguldā.
Idejas autore – Gundega Evelone, izpildījums – G.Evelone, M.Rozenfelds, E.Ošs, A.Landaus, R.Ābeltiņš. Es galvenokārt strādāju pie skulptūras mugurpuses.

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